Line drawing of David

David Bagley's Home Page

Some programs that I maintain

All include C or Java (some for Android) source code and now some in JavaScript which are covered by a BSD copyright. All Java programs (now Java 8) can be copied (or rebuilt) and run as an application. I figure I wrote about 95% of the non xlock stuff (though I did build upon some great ideas).

Programs Programs and Source Available for Download
Programs and Source
xlock xlock Lockscreens for X & Windows
Abacus (different historical Abaci) New JavaScript Euro Abacus
cubes triangles hexagons
mlink barrel panex
mball pyraminx oct
rubik skewb dino bevel Puzzles Newversions

ant2d Game of Life, Ant, and Loop Newversions
threed Simple 3D Graphics
tetris tertris
hextris welltris Tetяis Games
  • X11 Patches for programs I don't maintain (UNIX/VMS/Cygwin)
    oclock xeyes

  • Unicycling

    Custom wheels built (or repaired) by the Tom Miller of the The Unicycle Factory.

    TUF Logo
    Stuff from TUF Custom Cycles
    Types of Cycles (mouse over to move)
    Coasting Making and Riding the Coasting Unicycle
    Un-Cycle Making and Riding the Un-Cycle (Back Pedaler)
    Go West Crab Cycle Making and Riding a Crab Cycle (Go West)
    Go East Crab Cycle Crab Cycle (Go East)
    Making and Riding an Ultimate Wheel
    Reverse Steering Bicycle Reverse Steering Bicycle
    Latest toy (circa 2017) from Tom Miller is a coasting unicycle. Hard and scary, still just learning riding uphill on it. Previous toy (circa 2015) is an adjustable reverse steering handle bar attachment. Attached just fine to my old bike. Learning to ride a bike all over again.

    Unicycle Touring
    NY Unicycle On the 1st Sunday and 3rd Saturday of the month, there is a good chance I will be at Grant's Tomb with my car load of rideable toys.
    Unicycling Pictures
    Canal Riding: I unicycled the tow path of the Delaware-Raritan Canal and on the PA side the Delaware Canal in November 2010 and Morris Canal in September 2012.
    Liberty Water Gap Trail: I unicycled from the Liberty Science Center to the end, close to the Delaware Water Gap. (June 2010).
    Highlands Trail: completed on unicycle from PA to Hudson River (also did most spur trails except Appalachian Trail ;) ) (October 2013).
    Long Path: Road whole southern section including Orange county NY (July 2015).
    High Point to Cape May Bike Route: (Completed April 2018).
    Unicycled north on Long Path and SRT to where they fork at Sam's Point (Completed September 2018).
    Unicycling around Delaware Water Gap on NJ side (south of Buttermilk Falls), Saturday or Sunday, drop me an e-mail if interested in joining.
    I use a 24" Kris Holm Muni (usually), Coker, Schlumpf unicycle, or 43" Semcycle, depending on terrain.
    Equipment supplied by The Unicycle Factory, Semcycle, and Dubé.
    For further info look at, (this used to be cool, now looks like a circus) and

    About Myself

    Hobbies: Puzzles, Cellular Automata & Hiking ADK
    Favorite Music: Nothing But The Blues, Bob Dylan, Grateful Dead, & Tom Waits
    Pictures: Old pictures of me and my kids
    Charity: If you like any software on this site, please consider giving a healthy donation to your favorite environmental organization or great stuff like Wikipedia. Or WKCR or WFMU the coolest radio stations around. Also get your computer to use its spare CPU cycles to solve problems, like BOINC.
    Other: I am a life long vegetarian (I love animals, they're so cute...), married, and have 2 daughters. I go plogging and mountain plunicycling to keep fit.

    Send comments/suggestions to:
    David Bagley's mail

    This page has been visited many times (I lost count) and thus it is real important. (Formerly hosted on RIP.)
    Last Revised: 9 March 2025