Let me know of any problems here. The Java below has more features, but
can no longer run in your browser ... sigh.
For Cubes, Triangles, and Hexagons, its done when you get them in order
(left to right and then up and down) and blank space(s) on bottom and on
right hand side. If its not too big and you have a good solution, mail me
the results of a "Put Cookie" (i.e. a save) and "Write Cookie" (subject
"Cubes", "Triangles", or "Hexagons"). I will try to compile some list.
Try the Panex puzzle with 3 modes
"Hanoi", "Algorithme", and Panex mode. All have
has the general minimum move auto-solve. Step through with undo/redo.

Recently added Triangles puzzle now
with a no corners mode.
Some of these puzzles are very
difficult. Here is a list in order of perceived complexity:
Hexagons (corners unselected) (about
Kindergarten level)
Triangles (corners selected)
Panex (Tower of Hanoi option) (about
3rd grade level)
Panex (Algorithme option)
Triangles (corners unselected)
Panex (Panex option)
Hexagons (corners selected)
Also try
Cubes, Triangles, and Hexagons. If you beat the score on
these puzzles, write out using "w", and send the data (cookie or
file) to me. I started a list (see "Triangles stuff and Hexagons
stuff" below). These puzzles and Panex have preset starting
positions, the rest have random starting positions.