

JavaScript 3D
Java 3D
X 3D (UNIX, VMS and Windows too)
Notes (4D viewers, I did not write this stuff)

JavaScript 3D

Here is a simple threed a simple 3D viewer. All done with 2D graphics.

Threed Program Threed configuration using JavaScript
Configuration JS
Threed Threed
Let me know of any problems here. I am still looking at adding more stuff to these. The Java below has more features, but can no longer run in your browser ... sigh.

Surfaces are now sorted and mouse interaction added to select multiple surfaces. Sound also added.

See project notes for todo list and history.

Java 3D

Here is threed a simple 3D viewer (need Java 8 JVM). The idea was to morph this into a 3D puzzle. The X Manual Page is written for the X version but may be useful to understanding the Java program. You can download the jar file (preserve the .jar extension), and then it can be run as an application like "java -jar ThreedApp.jar". (The puzzles used to be able to run as applets but browsers and Oracle have dropped support.)

Threed Java Threed Implementation for Java
Icon Source Code Jar File
Threed threed.zip ThreedApp.jar

See project notes for todo list and history.

X 3D (and Windows too)

Threed X Threed Implementation for X (Linux and friends) and Windows
Icon Latest Source Latest Windows Man Page README LSM Older Versions Ancient Versions
Threed xpuzzles-latest.tar.xz wpuzzles-latest.zip xthreed xpuzzles.README (xthreed hidden inside) xpuzzles.lsm At SillyCycle At Ibiblio

Latest UNIX/VMS version is 8.9.0 and was written in C/C++. Windows version has same source and compiled with MinGW.

See project notes for todo list and history.

Notes (4D viewers, I did not write this stuff)

Nteract4 A 4D Pocket Cube (2x2x2x2 in JavaScript)
For Tesseract, a 4D Rubik's Cube (3x3x3x3) with auto-solve for Macintosh contact: Charlie Dickman.

Send comments/suggestions to:
A graphics enthusiast

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Last Revised: 23 March 2025