Game of Life

Java Life 2D, Life 3D, Life 4D, Ant 2D, Ant 3D, and Loop

Click on one of the life versions below to run Java program (need Java 8 JVM) written mostly by David Bagley.


Source and Jar Files


Here is a simple 2D Game of Life viewer. It not only supports square life, but hexagonal, triangular, and even pentagonal life. The square stuff you probably have seen before... The hexagonal includes life forms discovered by Callahan, Andreen, and Bays. The triangular life with 12 neighbors includes many life forms discovered by Carter Bays including 2 gunships. Newly added is the pentagonal life (Cairo or basket weave tiling) including a glider discovered by Carter Bays and one found by me. Many patterns discovered by Bays or myself. Ideas on improving and bug fixes will be kindly received. :) Neighbors value of 3 or 4 are also possible but does not seem to produce gliders without the rule causing random patterns to expand without bounds. See notes for more info.

Life 2D Table Different Life 2D Configurations
Icon Neighbors (bounded rules with gliders) Tiling Configuration
Life2D5 5 (5B2/S24) Pentagonal (Cairo Tiling)
Life2D6 6 (6B2/S35, 6B2a/S2b34 Callahan, 6B2a3a4b/S2a2b4a Andreen) Hexagonal
Life2D7 7 (7B346/S23) Pentagonal (Cairo Tiling)
Life2D 8 (8B3/S2a2b2c2d3 Maydwell, 8B3[6]/S23, 8B3[6]/S245, 8B36-8/S346-8) Square
Life2D9 9 (9B3/S34) Triangular (no far corners)
Life2D12 12 (12B3/S2, 12B3/S27[8], 12B4/S35, 12B4/S356, 12B4/S4-6,
12B45/S23, 12B45/S34, 12B4-6/S12, 12B4-6/S23, 12B4-6/S34,
12B4-6/S45, 12B46/S24[6], 12B46/S35[6])
Life2D 8 (4 State) simulates 3D B5/S6-8 between barriers Square

You can download the jar file (preserve the .jar extension), and then it can be run as an application like "java -jar Life2DApp.jar". (The puzzles used to be able to run as applets but browsers and Oracle have dropped support.)


java -jar Life3DApp.jar
Screenshot shown here running as: "java -jar Life3DApp.jar"

Here is a simple 3D Life viewer It not only supports cubical life, but rhombic dodecahedral life and truncated octahedral life as well. See notes for more info. Many patterns discovered by Bays and myself. Other neighbor values of 6, 8, and alt 14 are possible. Alternated cubic honeycomb tetrahedral/octahedral is neatest so far is the 22 neighbor tetrahedron only.

Life 3D Table Different Life 3D Configurations
Icon Neighbors (bounded rules with gliders) Tiling Configuration
Life3D12 12 (12B3/S3, 12B3/S4-6) Rhombic Dodecahedral (Hexagonal Close Packing)
Life3D14 14 (14B4/S34) Truncated Octahedral (Cubic Close Packing)
Life3D18 18 (18B4/S45 non-bounded) Cubical (Edges and Corners)
Life3D-18 alt 18 (-18B4/S36, -18B4/S46) Rhombic Dodecahedral (Moore Neighborhood)
Life3D20 20 (20B4/S45 non-bounded) Cubical (Faces and Edges)
Life3D22 22 (22B4/S4) Tetrahedral (Tetrahedrons of Alternated Cubic Honeycomb)
Life3D 26 (26B5/S23, 26B5/S25, 26B5/S27,
26B5/S35, 26B5/S36, 26B5/S37, 26B5/S38,
26B5/S4, 26B5/S45, 26B5/S47, 26B5/S56,
26B5/S58, 26B5/S6-8, 26B5/S8, 26B58/S58,
26B6/S5-7, 26B6/S57, 26B67/S57, 26B67/S67)

You can download the jar file (preserve the .jar extension), and then it can be run as an application like "java -jar Life3DApp.jar". (The puzzles used to be able to run as applets but browsers and Oracle have dropped support.)


Here is a simple 4D Life viewer (much borrowed from Life3D). It not only supports tesseractic life, but icositetrachoric life as well. See notes for more info. Other neighbors value of 8, ..., 56, 72 are also possible, but not explored. Do not expect to magically "see" 4D objects... currently only give one 3D view (zone) at a time.

Life 4D Table Different Life 4D Configurations
Icon Neighbors (bounded rules with gliders) Tiling Configuration
Life4D24 24 (24B4/S67, 24B4/S6-8) Icositetrachoric
Life4D-32 alt 32 (-32B58/S8) Icositetrachoric (Moore Neighborhood)
Life4D 80 (80B9/S89, 80B_10/S8-_10, 80B_10/S9_10,
80B_10/S9-_11, 80B_10/S_11-_13, 80B_10/S_13-_17
80B_12/S_11-_15, 80B_12_13/S_11_12

You can download the jar file (preserve the .jar extension), and then it can be run as an application like "java -jar Life4DApp.jar". (The puzzles used to be able to run as applets but browsers and Oracle have dropped support.)

See project notes for todo list and history. Please let me know if I left out anything.


Here is a simple Langton's Ant viewer There is even one with a Cairo Tiling.

Ant 2D Table Different Ant 2D Configurations using Java
Icon Neighbors Tiling Configuration
Ant2D 3 Triangular
Ant2D 4 Square
Ant2D 5 Pentagonal (Cairo Tiling)
Ant2D 6 Hexagonal

You can download the jar file (preserve the .jar extension), and then it can be run as an application like "java -jar Ant2DApp.jar". (The puzzles used to be able to run as applets but browsers and Oracle have dropped support.)


Here is a simple Langton's Ant viewer This one has a rhombic dodecahedral one in addition.

Ant 3D Table Different Ant 3D Configurations using Java
Icon Neighbors Tiling Configuration
Ant3D 6 Cubical
Ant3D 12 Rhombic Dodecahedral

You can download the jar file (preserve the .jar extension), and then it can be run as an application like "java -jar Ant3DApp.jar". (The puzzles used to be able to run as applets but browsers and Oracle have dropped support.)


Here is a simple Langton's Loop viewer This one has a hexagonal one in addition. Make the field bigger and it will produce a 2 armed mutant. Also when these loops die they seem to erase themselves (both features were serendipitous).

Loop Table Different Loop Configurations using Java
Icon Neighbors Tiling Configuration
Loop 4 Square
Loop 6 Hexagonal

You can download the jar file (preserve the .jar extension), and then it can be run as an application like "java -jar LoopApp.jar". (The puzzles used to be able to run as applets but browsers and Oracle have dropped support.)

Source and Jar Files

Automata Table Life/Ant/Loop Implementations for Java
Source Code Jar File Xml File Life2DApp.jar life2d.xml Life3DApp.jar life3d.xml Life4DApp.jar life4d.xml Ant2DApp.jar Ant3DApp.jar LoopApp.jar

See project notes for todo list and history. Please let me know if I left out anything.


John Conway's Life was initially explored in 3D by Carter Bays.

A very useful tool by Lee Meeker for finding life forms (particularly 3D and 4D) can be found at xl4d. You will need X to run it (Windows users download Cygwin and also the programming tools and X found there).

Send comments/suggestions to:
A life enthusiast

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Last Revised: 11 March 2022