Project Threed Notes

Author: David A. Bagley, bagleyd AT
Copyright: BSD
Description: Simple Three D Viewer


Things To Do...
JavaScript - Latest Tweaks...
Java - Latest Tweaks...
Java - Older Releases
X and Windows - Older Releases

Things To Do...

  1. xthreed get "-name object" to work.
  2. Handle multiple objects better.
  3. Tracking of rotation does not seem correct.

JavaScript - Latest Tweaks...

    Added some more objects.
    Added frame stippling for to give it more of a bamboo or a wooden
      look.  (If it can't find the gif's it uses for this, it falls back
      to be unstippled.)
    Removed keyCode and which which were deprecated.
    Set edges to border color so you can see the edges when two
      faces come together of the same color.
    Added the Small Stellated Dodecahedron, Great Stellated
      Dodecahedron, and Great Icosahedron.
    Updated references to website to https.
    Fixed select to pick multiple surfaces.
    Added sound when selected.
    Implemented Threed.

Java - Latest Tweaks...

    Added some more objects.
    Set edges to border color so you can see the edges when two 
      faces come together of the same color.
    Added the Small Stellated Dodecahedron, Great Stellated
      Dodecahedron, and Great Icosahedron.
    Added more keypad access.
    Fix sound for OpenJDK.
    Updated references to website to https.
    Fixed centering of field.
    Fix for frame icon broken previously.
    Dropped support for applets :(.  This was dropped because applets are
      deprecated and for security.  Now only runs as a application.
    Added support for more icon sizes.
    Objects now in an xml with a fallback if it can not be found.
    Old website died, shifted code base to
      new website
    Separate util directory.
    Reorganized icons directory.
   Dialogs now use swing.
   Threed canvas now has default focus when applet comes up.
    Took out JPopup and put in JMenu stuff from application.  Would have
      done before but did not realize Applet needs to be JApplet for this
      to work.
    Added border for htmls thanks to
    Added Attach/Detach thanks to code snippet Code Ranch and JavaKB by
      Brian Pipa.
    Also found something in stackoverflow from Alex for resizing JFrame.
    Added truncated octahedron.
    Added extra keys F12 for CW and F11 for CCW.
    Cleaned up menu look.

Java - Older Releases

    Panel info length was trying to be 4 times bigger than it should be.
    Internal change for edge input to be consistent with ico.
    Added pyramid and stella octangula.
    Leading function names in lowercase.
    findbugs and pmd changes.
    Modified select so that it gives full outline of selected item.
    Made 's' a toggle of surface.
    Made 'b' to let you go through all objects.
    Changed to crosshair pointer.
    Added javadoc info.
    Skipped to resync with puzzle releases.
    Constants changed.
    Added 3D look to frame.
    Updated action codes and synchronized Java and C code.
    Spawned off a from main java code.
    Better keyboard interface code.
    Implemented JavaScript applet quit option.
    Now has left alignment so it will work cleaner with IE.
    Application flashing removed.
    Now use to generate images from xpm.
    Check for noninteger parameter input.
    Line feed fixes.
    Cookies more readable.
    JavaScript/Cookie code back in.
    Ant build now fully supported.
    Jar file now has a MANIFEST so it can run as an application if
    AWT to Swing... (I kind of liked AWT... but won over to get Mnemonics
      to look right).
    Mouse motion and drag
    Double buffering
    threed a simple 3d viewer ported from X.
    Initial conversion from C to Java by Sarat Chandran

X and Windows - Latest Tweaks...

  [Feb 10, 2025]  V8.8.9:
    Updated Windows and VMS settings.
    Fixed ini file for Windows broken in 8.8.4.
  [Jan 25, 2025]  V8.8.8:
    Fixes for VMS.
  [Aug 15, 2024]  V8.8.4:
    Fix for frame color.
    Added a frame (with stippling for X version) to give it more of a
      bamboo or a wooden look.
  [May 31, 2024]  V8.8.1:
    Moving resource file from Threed to XThreed to follow standard.
    Revamped default install to install for Gnome/KDE.
  [Aug 30, 2023]  V8.7.1:
    Fixing configure to not use -std=c89 as it may not always work with
      installed includes.
  [Dec 16, 2022]  V8.6.2:
    Athena: Simplified menu code and fixed check.
  [Dec 14, 2022]  V8.6.1:
    Updating Athena libs as seen in xterm build and adding XawPlus.
    Fixing up and down bitmaps.
  [Dec 09, 2022]  V8.6.0:
    Redesign gui parts as getting too unwieldy.  Ripping out xgui.h
      xgui.c from main file.
    Athena: Adding new spinner, updating old slider and toggle.
  [Oct 31, 2022]  V8.5.6:
    Updating for Xaw3dxft and neXtaw.
  [Oct 14, 2022]  V8.5.5:
    Athena: Added label for pulldown.
  [Oct 04, 2022]  V8.5.4:
    Windows: Fixed for Great Icosahedron in menu.
    Motif/Athena: Updated menus and popup titles.
    Motif/Athena: Added sound toggle in menu.
  [Sep 01, 2022]  V8.5.3:
    Fixed Windows version broken after V8.3.1
    Updated to use XtAppInitialize from XtInitialize.  This helped fix
      Athena issue when killing dialog by window exit and bringing
      down application (WM_PROTOCOLS nonsense).
    Athena: popup window title bar close handled better.
    Athena: added scroll bar dialog box for features.
  [Jul 30, 2022]  V8.5.2:
    Athena scrolling added and menus added.
    Added Cuboctahedron and the Square Antiprism from mxico.
  [Jul 11, 2022]  V8.5.1:
    Cleanup and configuration updates.
  [Jul 07, 2022]  V8.5.0:
    Athena version, because I got complaints about Motif being old.
  [Apr 06, 2021]  V8.3.5:
    Set edges to border color so you can see the edges when two 
      faces come together of the same color.
    Fixed some runtime options by not using data file for them.
  [Nov 30, 2020]  V8.3.1:
    Added the Small Stellated Dodecahedron, Great Stellated
      Dodecahedron, and Great Icosahedron.
  [Nov 20, 2020]  V8.3.0:
    Added 2 more colors.
    Added the Great Dodecahedron with ideas from
    Changed format to put number of edges before number of surfaces
      so to be more consistent with the order of the actual points.
  [Apr 04, 2020]  V8.2.6:
    Lots of spelling errors fixed due to codespell
    Updated references to website to https.
  [Feb 15, 2019]  V8.2.1:
    Fixed spinner to not wrap where appropriate.
  [Oct 02, 2018]  V8.2.0:
    Removing strcpy and strcat calls by migrating to strncpy and strncat.
      Added HAVE_SNPRINTF compile-time option.
  [Jul 21, 2018]  V8.1.8:
    Fixing sound installation.
  [Apr 03, 2018]  8.1.7:
    Updated slider format.
  [Oct 15, 2017]  V8.1.4:
    Removed gcc-7 warnings.
  [Oct 01, 2017]  V8.1.3:
    Updates for 64 bit compilation in Windows.
  [Aug 01, 2017]  V8.1.1:
    Valgrind helped find some definite memory leaks.
  [Jul 17, 2017]  V8.1.0:
    Updated sound configuration for X version.  Uses a simple included
      script, that is now used by default.
  [Sep 13, 2015]  V8.0.5:
    Old website died, shifted code base to
      new website
  [Feb 24, 2015]  V8.0.0:
    Sound and install fixes.
  [May 19, 2014]  V7.7.5:
    Fixed windows version for truncated octahedron.
  [Jan 20, 2014]  V7.7.3:
    Reorganized pixmap directory.
  [Jan 10, 2013]  V7.7.1:
    Added scroll to feature help dialog.
    New bold fontlist in resource file, so things are easier to read.
  [Oct 06, 2010] 7.6.4:
    Added truncated octahedron.
  [Jun 29, 2010]  V7.6.3:
    Added extra keys F12 for CW and F11 for CCW.
  [Jan 21, 2010]  V7.6:
    Version handling changed to a single version.h (and man page).
    Sound fixed for esound.
  [Nov 10, 2009]  V7.5.1:
    Windows version: added accelerator for references.
  [Jun 05, 2009]  V7.5:
    Cleaned up menu look.
    Fixed again for NAS sound.

X and Windows - Older Releases

  [Dec 14, 2008]  V7.4.3:
    Fixed for NAS sound.
  [Jul 21, 2008]  V7.4.1:
    Strange character at end of help title removed.
    Change for edge input to be consistent with ico.
    Added pyramid and stella octangula.
    Fixed default choice is visible in Motif list.
    For stella octangula, made it so that all 3 face segments are
      highlighted when pressed.
  [Jul 11, 2008]  V7.4:
    Leading function names in lowercase.
  [May 30, 2008]  V7.3.5: Not released
    Modified select so that it gives full outline of selected item.
    Fixed background on Windows version.
    Made 's' a toggle of surface for Windows version.
    Made 'b' to let you go through all objects for Windows version.
  [Dec 24, 2007]  V7.3.2:
    Constants changed.
    Added 3D look to frame.
  [Nov 27, 2007]  V7.3.1:
    Updated action codes and synchronized Java and C code.
    Various small changes.
  [Feb 23, 2007]  V7.3:
    Html no longer corrupted.
  [Dec 12, 2006]  V7.2.3:
    Now use to generate images from xpm.
  [Dec 05, 2006]  V7.2.2:
    Sorting is now done for wireframe.
  [Apr 01, 2006]  V7.2:
    Made usage string compatible with versions of Motif and screen.
  [Oct 05, 2005]  V7.1.5:
    -version added
    Common option help for X and X-Motif
  [May 31, 2005]  V7.1.4:
    Separated out compatible components.
  [Feb 8, 2005]  V7.1.3:
    3d viewer made slightly less primitive.
    Mouse wheel for Windows now works.
    Rotating now mouse motion sensitive.
    Mouse can now find a face of polyhedron.
  [Aug 23, 2004]  V7.1:
    Hide functionality should now work again.
  [Dec 20, 2003]  V7.0.2:
    Added help for Motif.
  [Dec 15, 2003]  V7.0.1:
    The Hide functionality of the Escape key now iconifies or drops in
      task bar.
    Added help for Windows.
    Accelerator Keys (F keys and regular keys) in Windows now work.
  [Nov 15, 2003]  V7.0:
    Added color icon.
    Integrated winpuz6.5 (Windows 3.1/95) into X source tree.
  Some older versions used Windows (6.x), Xt/Motif (5.x), Xt (4.x),
    Motif (3.x), XView (2.x), see individual README files of each
    package for a more complete listing.