Project Puzzles Notes
Title: |
Author: |
David A. Bagley, bagleyd AT
Copyright: |
Description: |
Sliding block and rotational puzzles
Things To Do...
- triangles, hexagons: add keypad and arrow key capability.
- triangles: sliding of triangles (corners mode) sometimes jumping
oddly for JavaScript.
- triangles: show animation movement when not in corners mode.
- panex: add features to new Android App version. Current major
problem is that the animation did not port from application to
Android. Undo/redo now working. Solve works but if too big,
if needs 80 moves or so it may not. Use undo to step through after
- cubes: get auto-solve working when sizeX!=1 and sizeY!=1 and sizeZ!=1
- triangles, hexagons: these puzzles have no auto-solve capability.
- triangles, hexagons: double buffering.
- triangles: clean up lines from slide, more scalable using numSlides.
- triangles: variable sides... it would be a hexagon then.
- mlink: auto-solve only works when tiles=4 and faces=4
- mlink: initial ordering like cubes?
- barrel: auto-solve for orient mode
- panex: auto-solve only solves from beginning
- tiling puzzles need a 3D look for JavaScript versions.
- 3D puzzles: If colors are made equivalent the program may not detect
that it is solved.
- rubik: auto-solve only works when size (ie the number of cubes) on the
sides are all the same and the size is either 2, 3, or 4.
- rubik: should handle the standard notation for 3x3x3, etc. This
notation seems incompatible with the lxmxn cube. I should also provide
a hook to do conversions between notations for all puzzles.
- dino: Orient mode is not complete enough to ensure you have returned to
the original state when in period 2 mode or both mode. For example
left and right faces could now be adjacent.
- pyraminx, oct: start for GL interface. See TODO in each directory for
current list of things being worked on. (Pyraminx is currently more
- pyraminx, oct: one should be able to move the trivial corner with the
second level as an extra move.
- pyraminx: auto-solve only works when it has period 2 movement and size
less than 4 or if period 3 movement and size less than 5. Additionally,
add a solution when its combination of both period 2 and period 3.
- oct: auto-solve only works when it has period 3 movement and size less
than 3 or if period 4 movement and size less than 5. Additionally,
add a solution when its combination of both period 3 and period 4.
- mball: it should use more realistic 3D drawing techniques.
- mball: auto-solve only works when wedges are less than or equal to 8
_or_ has 1 band, so solves for Saturn Puzzle, Hockey Puck Puzzle, and
Masterball. It would be nice to solve for all wedges and bands.
- mball: PS_ENDCAP_FLAT (used to draw sectors) does not work in wine-5.0.
X Things To Do...
- xtriangles, xhexagons: double buffering.
- pyraminx, oct, mball: should use more realistic 3D drawing techniques.
JavaScript - Latest Tweaks...
Added frame stippling for to give it more of a bamboo or a wooden
look. (If it can't find the gif's it uses for this, it falls back
to be unstippled.)
triangles: Animation now working for no corner option.
Removed keyCode and which which were deprecated.
cubes, triangles, hexagons, mlink, barrel: added keypad and arrow
key capability.
triangles: Added no corner option for a different puzzle now with
one space.
triangles, hexagons: 'm' is now for corners mode instead of 'o'.
cubes: Fixed case where puzzle could not be solved or starting
was solved already.
cubes: Small improvement in solver. Now solves when x=1 or y=1 or
z=1. Maybe can be used as a step for a general solution.
cubes: Added auto-solve working on trivial cases and where z = 1.
Updated references to website to https.
Fixed bug in autosolve and undo for Missing Link.
Implemented Missing Link, Barrel.
Changed increment/decrement buttons to spinner.
Animated Cubes, Triangles, Hexagons, Panex.
Implemented Cubes, Triangles, Hexagons, Panex.
Android - Latest Tweaks...
Panex: fixed Hanoi to use one less space.
Synced up with latest Java version.
Drip sound for algorithme when dragging over another tile.
Added new options menu to bottom of screen as the new gestures
does not allow old menu to come up.
Updated references to website to https.
Panex: fixed graphics for Algorithme mode to indicate extra path.
Old website died, shifted code base to
new website
Android Lollipop 5.0 fix to turn off hardware acceleration or would
crash with Sig 11.
Panex: Android App version.
Java - Latest Tweaks...
oct: Orient lines updated.
pyraminx: Orient lines fixed.
bevel: Auto-solve when orient mode is off.
bevel: First release of Helicopter Cube or Bevel Cube (based on skewb).
skewb, dino: Fix some drawing errors
skewb, dino: Control CW and CCW now consistent across
dino: Now solves for period 2 with orient on.
dino: Now solves for both mode (a little quicker than period 2 as it
can take a short cut).
dino: fixed issue with control face movement.
oct: Auto-solve added for sticky mode period 3.
oct: Auto-solve added for size 3 period 3.
pyraminx, oct: Fixed so sticky mode can be set at command line.
oct: Auto-solve updated as had some bad definitions, but should work
the same.
pyraminx: Sticky mode for period 2 enabled for auto-solve.
oct: Fixed CW and CCW control for period 3.
oct: Auto-solve added for size 2 period 3.
pyraminx, oct: Clicking on edge of puzzle could cause it to error out.
oct: Auto-solve added for size 4 period 4.
pyraminx: Auto-solve added for size 3 period 2.
pyraminx: Minor auto-solve fix when extended to higher orders.
pyraminx: Auto-solve added for size 2 period 2 and size 4 period 3.
dino: Fixing error in movement for period 2.
panex: fixed get as could not jump to second mode.
panex: fixed Hanoi to use one less space.
fixing handling of input files, failed if did not have a leading
triangles: Animation now working for no corner option.`
triangles: Added no corner option for a different puzzle now with
one space.
triangles, hexagons: 'm' is now for corners mode instead of 'o'.
cubes: Fixed case where puzzle could not be solved or starting
position was solved already.
cubes: Small improvement in solver. Now solves when x=1 or y=1 or
z=1. Maybe this can be used as a step for a general solution.
cubes: Autosolve trivial cases and allow it to solve puzzles less
than size 4x4x1.
rubik: Rubik's Revenge auto-solve for 4x4x4 orient mode.
rubik: Rubik's Revenge (i.e. 4x4x4) solver added.
rubik, cubes, hexagons: Updated to camel case for sizex to sizeX to be
consistent with Java version.
'r' is now for redo and 'g' for get record (formerly read record).
Handle corrupted buffer better.
Added more keypad access.
Fix sound for OpenJDK.
Updated references to website to https.
Fixed centering on rotation puzzles.
Fixed Missing Link undo.
Fix for frame icon broken previously.
Dropped support for applets :(. This was dropped because applets are
deprecated and for security. Now only runs as a application. (Some
puzzles are available in HTML5 and JavaScript to run directly from
web. Let me know if some favorite feature or puzzle not available
on HTML5 version and I will see if I can remedy.)
Sound now uses ".wav" format, ".au" format was dropped as there seemed
be less support for ULAW audio files.
Added sound menu item check box.
Added support for more icon sizes.
Panex: fixed graphics for Algorithme mode to indicate extra path.
Changed slider to spinner a it takes up less room.
Fixed mball, for odd number of facets, the outermost facet was
not selectable.
Old website died, shifted code base to
new website
Fixed panex write.
Fixed cubes to show only x>=y>=z so there is some uniqueness in puzzle
complexity and starting position.
Applet: added handling when writing score so does not crash if fails.
Separate util directory.
Synchronized save and restore with C version.
Rotating puzzles had bug in restoring saved position.
Reorganized icons directory.
Dialogs now use swing.
Puzzle canvas now has default focus when applet comes up.
Puzzle control up now makes bigger and down makes smaller
(synchronized with slider) for cubes, hexagons, mlink.
Took out JPopup and put in JMenu stuff from application. Would have
done before but did not realize Applet needs to be JApplet for this
to work.
Added border for htmls thanks to
Added Attach/Detach thanks to code snippet Code Ranch and JavaKB by
Brian Pipa.
Also found something in stackoverflow from Alex for resizing JFrame.
Fixed error on several applets where it would not display "PRACTICE"
in record when initially in practice mode.
Fixed error on a few applets where the word "PRACTICE" would be cut.
Now have sound initialization only run on first try to make a sound as
I found sound initialization hangs on one of my systems.
Added Puzzle Buffer that buffers to screen.
Changed key mappings g->r for read file, r->e for redo.
Added -perspective to make front most wedges bigger in mball. Not sure
I like it general, so made it an option, off by default. This does
not change any functionality.
Added extra keys F12 for CW and F11 for CCW for mball, oct, pyraminx,
rubik, skewb, dino and F12 for in and F11 for out for cubes.
Added auto-solve capability for mball with 2, 4, or 6 wedges.
Fixed all puzzles with auto-solve. If randomizing and hit solve,
auto-solve would get confused.
Auto-solve for oriented mball with only 1 band. 12 wedges simulates a
Hockey Puck puzzle (solution for 12 wedges taken from ). Wrote a quick program
to help find moves for a 10 wedge version (included with distribution
as puck.c).
Added auto-solve capability for mball with 8 wedges. This includes
if the wedges are oriented. If bands are reduced to 1, it can
simulate the Saturn Puzzle.
Changed orientation and terminology from ring to band to be consistent
with wsd page for mball.
Defaults to flip if there if it is ambiguous to turn or flip on a
"point and click" move in mball, this makes it easier to simulate a
Saturn puzzle. Use shift key to do a turn here instead.
Added auto-solve capability for oct (period 4).
Added auto-solve capability for dino (period 3).
Fixed a way of cheating by switching windows or scanning in entry.
Added auto-solve capability for skewb.
Cleaned up menu look.
Java - Older releases
Panel info length was trying to be 4 times bigger than it should be.
panex: new Algorithme mode. Auto-solve for this now solves in
minimum number of moves. Also need to steal jump move (a move from
stack 1 to stack 3) from cubes puzzle.
panex: move another tile before tile all the way up, the first tile
gets stuck, fixed.
Auto-solve puzzles:
cheating was possible in all puzzles using undo
reset puzzle while still causes runtime error but does not keep trying
to solve puzzle
All puzzles: delay input parameter added
Leading function names in lowercase.
findbugs and pmd changes.
Cursor changed to hand pointer.
Added javadoc info.
Constants changed.
Added 3D look to frame for cubes, triangles, hexagons, panex.
gcj warning cleanups.
Updated action codes and synchronized Java and C code.
Fixed drawing errors on Mlink and Barrel rotation.
Sound added for mball, pyraminx, oct, dino, skewb, rubik.
barrel: Auto-solve.
Pyraminx & Rubik: autosolve & randomize delay.
Interrupt on auto-solvers. For Barrel some auto-solve code added
but it is not usable yet.
Spawned off a from main java code.
Better keyboard interface code.
New sound and db lowered removed, thanks to to help clean the sound up.
Fixed some resizing especially for rubik, skewb, and dino.
Implemented JavaScript applet quit option.
Now has left alignment so it will work cleaner with IE.
Application flashing removed.
Use generic names in code where possible.
Changed default so that practice is true for puzzles that have it:
rubik, skewb, dino, pyraminx, oct, mball, mlink, barrel.
Now use to generate images from xpm.
Cyan lining is back.
Check for noninteger parameter input.
pyraminx, oct: drag and drop between adjacent faces.
rubik, skewb, dino: drag and drop between adjacent faces.
cubes: Should now always work for all arrangements. For example, 3x3x3
was wrong.
cubes: Starting position instead of random
Tried shifting by one and all reversed but made solutions too trivial.
Starting pattern is ordered going down columns.
1 4 7 10 1 2 3 4
2 5 8 11 => 5 6 7 8
3 6 9 X 9 10 11 X
Special case of 2x2x1 is handled (or else its solved already).
Nx1x1 to be handled also.
Some patterns require the last numbers to be swapped in order for the
puzzle to be solvable.
Does it always work for all arrangements... not sure...
r is now for redo for all puzzles. z is now the character for
randomizing. For cubes, triangles, and hexagons no records are
set when randomized. Panex has no randomizer.
All puzzles have silver lining and tan background where applicable.
Whole messageLabel should now be visible.
hexagons (corners): shifting them down by 2's work.
x=1 and y=n top and bottom pieces are always trapped.
There are some positions that are weird... x=1 y=3 and x=2 y=2 in
particular and and these cases have to have special handling.
x=1 y=3 x=2 y=2 special starting positions
X 1 4 3 1
5 4 2 5 2
6 3
hexagons (no corners): shifted by 1, actually always solvable from
EVERY position, except x=n y=1 this case is easily handled.
triangles: no more fully random positions, a starting position is
made by randomly turning puzzle CCW or CW (+-120 degrees).
Rubik, Skewb, and Dino fixes for get in 2D.
Recognize solved when doing undo where practice option exists.
Mlink and Barrel fixes for move counter when get used.
Mlink and Barrel fixes for undo and get/write if mouse drag is used
for rotation.
Line feed fixes.
Cookies more readable.
panex: scan instant and undo at double speed.
panex: fixed drawing errors.
panex: got rid of flashing when moving mouse.
JavaScript/Cookie code back in.
Ant build now fully supported.
Jar files now have a MANIFEST so they can run as an application if
AWT to Swing... (I kind of liked AWT... but won over to get Mnemonics
to look right).
panex: in hanoi mode illegal moves are handled better
xmlink: solve fix for swapping left most middle tiles.
xmlink: solve fix for speed 49 and 50
mlink, barrel, panex
Rotating tiles and panex now mouse motion sensitive.
Small graphical fixes.
mlink, barrel, cubes, hexagons, mball, pyraminx, oct, rubik, skewb,
dino, threed... mouse wheel if you uncomment it and compile it for
Java >= 1.4
7.1.3 and older
Done Synchronizing Java and X for all puzzles
Animation for panex
Synchronizing Java and X for cubes... now has mandrill image.
Mlink: auto-solver
Problem telling one to randomize first for an illegal move fixed.
Holding down undo button problem fixed.
Barrel arrow bugs fixed.
Left and Right icons commented out, take up too much valuable room and
may be confusing.
Cubes: use image scaling for "dripping" of cubes
Double buffering for Cubes, Mlink, and Barrel
Show rotate for Mlink and Barrel
Sounds added for Mlink and Barrel
Show sliding on Mlink and Barrel
Barrel puzzle added
Mlink cleanups
Got rid of some deprecations and Xlints, more to do for Java1.5
Mlink now has a practice option
Rubik control movement fix for rectangular arrangements.
Rubik auto-solve for 3x3x3 orient mode
Rubik about help was messed up
Esc key to hide
Practice was left out of frame menu
No scaling html problems:
Triangles/Pyraminx/Rubik did not have enough room
Fix from X
get screen output
record store fix
static bars & font on mball -> dino
Oct direction fix by keyboard
Initial conversion from C to Java by Sarat Chandran
X and Windows - Latest Tweaks...
[Feb 10, 2025] V8.8.9:
Updated Windows and VMS settings.
cubes, mlink, barrel, triangles, hexagons: Removed some warnings about
check that is always true.
panex, pyraminx, oct, mball, dino: Fixed Motif radio buttons broken in
panex: Fixed Algorithme look broken in 8.8.4.
[Jan 25, 2025] V8.8.8:
Fixes for VMS.
[Oct 24, 2024] V8.8.7:
pyraminx, oct: Got the orient lines on GL better.
oct: Orient lines updated.
pyraminx: Orient lines fixed.
[Sep 25, 2024] V8.8.6:
pyraminx, oct: Fixed some hard coding, some minor drawing errors and
now can be to any size for GL.
[Sep 12, 2024] V8.8.5:
pyraminx, oct: Fixed some hard coding, some minor drawing errors and
extended to size 6 for GL.
[Aug 15, 2024] V8.8.4:
Fix for frame color.
barrel, cubes, hexagons, mlink, triangles: Added a frame (with
stippling for X version) to give it more of a bamboo or a wooden
barrel, cubes, mlink: Fix for -picture.
barrel, mlink: Fix a scrolling error in X version.
[Jun 22, 2024] V8.8.2:
mball, pyraminx, oct: Fixed move count when undoing.
pyraminx, oct: For keyboard, ignore moves that do not work in GL.
pyraminx: Fixed some bugs relating to selecting facet in GL. Still
very approximate.
pyraminx: Fixed when making period 2 move from GL, it would move
period 3 in 2D window.
mball: Fixed Windows clear.
mball: Select in GL now knows east from west but little else.
[May 31, 2024] V8.8.1:
Moving resource file from [Puzzle] to X[Puzzle] to follow standard.
Revamped default install to install for Gnome/KDE.
[May 15, 2024] V8.8.0:
mball: Now shows movement in GL. See TODO for current list of things
being worked on.
mball: Fixed using Althea and radio button, and then choosing by
keyboard would error out.
[Apr 28, 2024] V8.7.9
mball: Start for GL interface.
pyraminx: Fixed blank facets for control movement of size 5 and
period 2.
[Mar 28, 2024] V8.7.8
pyraminx: Added period 2 turning.
pyraminx, oct: Fixed some hard coding and extended to size 5 for GL.
pyraminx, oct: Fixed a bug where it might not refresh going into sticky
oct: Show movement when in "both" mode.
[Feb 23, 2024] V8.7.7:
oct: now shows movement in GL. See TODO for current list of things
being worked on.
pyraminx: Fixed movement for size 1. Reorganized the movement code
for GL.
[Jan 31, 2024] V8.7.6:
pyraminx, oct: Start for GL interface. See TODO for current list of
things being worked on.
rubik: Changing quick character from f to j to increment z coordinate
in number of cubes, to avoid conflict for find feature.
[Dec 03, 2023] V8.7.5:
bevel: Auto-solve when orient mode is off.
bevel: Fixed orient lines on center pieces in GL.
[Nov 19, 2023] V8.7.4:
dino, bevel: GL was broken, was not being redrawn after randomized.
bevel: Fixed orient mode for 3D representation.
[Nov 12, 2023] V8.7.3:
bevel: First release of Helicopter Cube or Bevel Cube (based on skewb).
skewb, dino: Control CW and CCW now consistent across
dino: Center fix (probably never see error).
[Sep 17, 2023] V8.7.2:
dino: Now solves for period 2 with orient on.
dino: Now solves for both mode (a little quicker than period 2 as it
can take a short cut).
dino: Made puzzle tighter looking.
[Aug 30, 2023] V8.7.1:
Fixing configure to not use -std=c89 as it may not always work with
installed includes.
dino: Added solver for period 2 with orient mode off. This is a hard
dino: Fixed undo for control.
dino: Added black center so it does not look like it will fall apart,
especially for period 2.
[Jul 21, 2023] V8.7.0:
oct: Auto-solve added for sticky mode period 3.
[Jun 11, 2023] V8.6.9:
oct: Auto-solve added for size 3 period 3.
pyraminx, oct: Fixed so sticky mode can be set at command line.
pyraminx: Sticky mode for period 2 enabled for auto-solve.
oct: Auto-solve updated as had some bad definitions, but should work
the same.
pyraminx: Sticky mode for period 2 enabled for auto-solve.
[May 18, 2023] V8.6.8:
oct: Fixed CW and CCW control for period 3.
oct: Auto-solve added for size 2 period 3.
[May 05, 2023] V8.6.7:
pyraminx, oct: Clicking on edge of puzzle could cause it to error out.
oct: Auto-solve added for size 4 period 4.
[Apr 06, 2023] V8.6.6:
dino, pyraminx, oct, panex: Athena fixing bug to change radio button
from keyboard.
oct: Fixing auto-solver to be more general.
[Mar 15, 2023] V8.6.5:
pyraminx: Auto-solve added for size 3 period 2.
pyraminx: Minor auto-solve fix when extended to higher orders.
oct: Minor fix to find code.
rubik, skewb: Added compile option for searching for particular
[Feb 19, 2023] V8.6.4:
pyraminx: Auto-solve added for size 2 period 2 and size 4 period 3.
pyraminx: Athena puzzle misnamed internally so command line options did
not work since V8.6.0.
pyraminx, oct, dino: Added compile option for searching for particular
[Jan 17, 2023] V8.6.3:
rubik, skewb, dino: Fix for when glx not available.
dino: Fixing error in movement for period 2.
[Dec 16, 2022] V8.6.2:
Athena: Simplified menu code and fixed check.
Athena: Added radio button to dino, mball, panex, pyraminx, oct.
[Dec 14, 2022] V8.6.1:
Updating Athena libs as seen in xterm build and adding XawPlus.
Fixing up and down bitmaps.
[Dec 09, 2022] V8.6.0:
Redesign gui parts as getting too unwieldy. Ripping out xgui.h
xgui.c from main file.
Athena: Adding new spinner, updating old slider and toggle.
rubik, skewb, dino: fix for vanilla X since V8.5.3.
[Oct 31, 2022] V8.5.6:
Updating for Xaw3dxft and neXtaw.
[Oct 14, 2022] V8.5.5:
Athena: Added label for pulldowns for dino, mball, oct, panex, pyraminx.
Athena: Fix for mode quick key for dino, oct, pyraminx.
[Oct 04, 2022] V8.5.4:
panex: Fixed error in drawing of slots in Windows.
panex: Now displays mode when not in Motif/Athena.
Motif/Athena: Updated menus and popup titles.
Motif/Athena: Added sound toggle in menu.
[Sep 01, 2022] V8.5.3:
panex: fixed get as could not jump to second mode.
panex: fixed Hanoi to use one less space.
Updated to use XtAppInitialize from XtInitialize. This helped fix
Athena issue when killing dialog by window exit and bringing
down application (WM_PROTOCOLS nonsense).
Athena: popup window title bar close handled better.
Athena: added scroll bar dialog box for features.
Athena: initialize to synchronize with handle command line options.
[Jul 30, 2022] V8.5.2:
Athena scrolling fix and menus added.
[Jul 11, 2022] V8.5.1:
Cleanup and configuration updates.
cubes: Motif fix for wrong letter for redo.
hexagons: Motif speed not initialized correctly.
panex: Athena fixes for slider.
mball: fixed speed to be more consistent.
[Jul 07, 2022] V8.5.0:
Athena version, because I got complaints about Motif being old.
[Jan 20, 2021] V8.4.0:
Updated scores to recover some corruption, say from from an empty
triangles: Updated to allow stretching triangles puzzle in X direction.
Initial start changed to mirror image except where not solvable.
[Oct 10, 2021] V8.3.9:
triangles: Animation now working for no corner option.
triangles: Sound was not working allowed to be set in Motif.
cubes, triangles, hexagons, panex: Removed clear query. It would seem
to pop up at random times.
[Sep 20, 2021] V8.3.8:
triangles: Added no corner option for a different puzzle now with
one space.
triangles, hexagons: 'm' is now for corners mode instead of 'o'.
[Jun 12, 2021] V8.3.7:
cubes: Fixed case where puzzle could not be solved or starting
was solved already.
cubes: Small improvement in solver. Now solves when x=1 or y=1 or
z=1. Maybe can be used as a step for a general solution.
[Jan 21, 2021] V8.3.3:
cubes: Autosolve trivial cases and allow it to solve puzzles less
than size 4x4x1.
[Jan 19, 2021] V8.3.2:
rubik: Rubik's Revenge auto-solve for 4x4x4 orient mode.
[Dec 07, 2020] V8.3.1:
hexagons: Fixing some screen dust when moving hexagons.
Handle corrupted buffer better.
[Nov 20, 2020] V8.3.0:
rubik: Rubik's Revenge (i.e. 4x4x4) solver added.
rubik, cubes, hexagons: Updated to camel case for sizex to sizeX to be
consistent with Java version.
'r' is now for redo and 'g' for get record (formerly read record).
[Apr 11, 2020] V8.2.7:
Fixing a few buffer overflows from latest gcc.
[Apr 04, 2020] V8.2.6:
Lots of spelling errors fixed due to codespell
Updated references to website to https.
[Feb 15, 2019] V8.2.1:
Panex: fixed graphics for Algorithme mode to indicate extra path.
Fixed spinner to not wrap and be unlimited where appropriate.
[Oct 02, 2018] V8.2.0:
Removing strcpy and strcat calls by migrating to strncpy and strncat.
Added HAVE_SNPRINTF compile-time option.
[Jul 21, 2018] V8.1.8:
Fixing sound installation.
Fixing a check for free from clang for mlink and pyraminx.
[Apr 03, 2018] 8.1.7:
Changed slider to spinner a it takes up less room.
Fixed mball, for odd number of facets, the outermost facet was
not selectable.
[Oct 15, 2017] V8.1.4:
Removed gcc-7 warnings.
[Oct 01, 2017] V8.1.3:
Updates for 64 bit compilation in Windows.
[Aug 01, 2017] V8.1.1:
Valgrind helped find some definite memory leaks.
[Jul 17, 2017] V8.1.0:
Updated sound configuration for X version. Uses a simple included
script, that is now used by default.
[Sep 13, 2016] V8.0.5:
Old website died, shifted code base to
new website
[Jan 08, 2016] V8.0.4:
Fixed cubes to show only x>=y>=z so there is some uniqueness in puzzle
complexity and starting position.
[Feb 24, 2015] V8.0.0:
Sound and install fixes.
[May 19, 2014] V7.7.5:
Fix goof in mball.
[May 13, 2014] V7.7.4:
Synchronized save and restore with Java version.
Fixed synchronizing if resized while reading from saved log for rubik.
[Jan 20, 2014] V7.7.3: Not released
Reorganized pixmap directory.
[Jan 10, 2013] V7.7.1:
Cleaned up some duplication in Motif menu.
Added scroll to feature help dialog.
New bold fontlist in resource file, so things are easier to read.
[Aug 31, 2012] V7.7.0:
Puzzle control up now makes bigger and down makes smaller
for cubes, hexagons, mlink.
[Oct 22, 2010] V7.6.4:
Changed key mappings g->r for read file, r->e for redo.
[Jun 29, 2010] V7.6.3:
Added a work around for strange Windows arc behaviour if arcs end at
0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees in mball. Work around was to shift by one
degree. Not pretty but definitely prettier.
Added -perspective to make front most wedges bigger in mball. Not sure
I like it general, so made it an option, off by default. This does
not change any functionality.
Added extra keys F12 for CW and F11 for CCW for mball, oct, pyraminx,
rubik, skewb, dino and F12 for in and F11 for out for cubes.
Added auto-solve capability for mball with 2, 4, or 6 wedges.
[Mar 26, 2010] V7.6.2:
Auto-solve for oriented mball with only 1 band. 12 wedges simulates a
Hockey Puck puzzle (solution for 12 wedges taken from ). Wrote a quick program
to help find moves for a 10 wedge version (included with Java
distribution as puck.c).
[Mar 17, 2010] V7.6.1:
Added auto-solve capability for mball with 8 wedges. This includes
if the wedges are oriented. If bands are reduced to 1, it can
simulate the Saturn Puzzle.
Changed orientation and terminology from ring to band to be consistent
with wsd page in mball.
Defaults to flip if there if it is ambiguous to turn or flip on a
"point and click" move in mball, this makes it easier to simulate a
Saturn puzzle. Use shift key to do a turn here instead.
[Jan 21, 2010] V7.6:
Version handling changed to a single version.h (and man page).
Sound fixed for esound.
Added auto-solve capability for oct (period 4).
[Jan 13, 2010] V7.5.6:
Added auto-solve capability for dino (period 3).
Orient markers fixed for GL in dino.
[Jan 07, 2010] V7.5.5:
Fixed undo and redo for GL when at fastest speed in rubik, skewb, dino.
Fixed a way of cheating by switching windows in rubik, skewb, dino.
Fixed a memory corruption in skewb, dino.
Added auto-solve capability for skewb.
[Dec 21, 2009] V7.5.4:
Map arrow keys for GL for rubik, skewb, dino.
Fix goof for twisting in OpenGL for skewb.
[Dec 11, 2009] V7.5.3:
Added more delay for GL in rubik, skewb, dino.
Added variable speed from rubik for randomizer and undo/redo in
skewb, dino.
Fixed flash in control draw in skewb, dino.
Can now see actual twisting in OpenGL in dino.
[Dec 07, 2009] V7.5.2:
Can now see actual twisting in OpenGL in skewb.
[Nov 10, 2009] V7.5.1:
Windows version: added accelerator for references.
GLU used for GL mouse mapping for rubik, skewb, dino.
Gutted old 3d representation (except when no OpenGL available).
Windows fix: changed GL code until no drawing errors, some Windows
machines needed this for rubik, skewb, dino.
[Jun 05, 2009] V7.5:
Fixed view for Windows not to reset puzzle for rubik, skewb, dino.
Cleaned up menu look.
Fixed again for NAS sound.
X and Windows - Older Releases
[Dec 14, 2008] V7.4.3:
Fixed for NAS sound.
[Nov 15, 2008] V7.4.2:
panex: new Algorithme mode. Auto-solve for this now solves in
minimum number of moves. Also need to steal jump move (a move from
stack 1 to stack 3) from cubes puzzle.
[Jul 21, 2008] V7.4.1:
Strange character at end of help title removed.
pyraminx: Fixed a possible timing auto-solve problem.
[Jul 11, 2008] V7.4:
Leading function names in lowercase.
panex: Fixed background color problem.
pyraminx: Fixed turning bug when selecting face 2 then face 1
when horizontal.
rubik, skewb, dino: Extra callback was causing 2d to go out of sync.
rubik: Mouse release sometimes was using wrong face.
[Feb 29, 2008] V7.3.4: Not released
Changed pointer from crosshair to hand2.
[Dec 24, 2007] V7.3.3:
Constants changed.
Windows error fix for cubes, hexagons, mlink, rubik when changing size.
Added 3D look to frame for cubes, triangles, hexagons, panex.
rubik bug found when changing size while GL puzzle rotating.
rubik randomizes to a maximum of 100 moves.
[Nov 27, 2007] V7.3.2:
Fixed drawing errors on mlink and barrel rotation.
barrel: 1B had and extra move in solution.
Updated action codes and synchronized Java and C code.
Various small changes.
[Apr 10, 2007] V7.3.1:
Sound added for mball, pyraminx, oct, dino, skewb, rubik.
barrel: Auto-solve.
barrel: Fixes for get and write.
mlink: Fix for get.
[Feb 23, 2007] V7.3:
Html no longer corrupted.
reverseVideo update.
[Jan 08, 2007] V7.2.7:
New sound, db lowered, and removed, thanks to
[Dec 12, 2006] V7.2.6:
Changed default so that practice is true for puzzles that have it:
xrubik, xskewb, xdino, xpyraminx, xoct, xmball, xmlink, xbarrel.
Now use to generate images from xpm.
[Nov 09, 2006] V7.2.5:
xdino: Fix some orient line OpenGL problems.
xdino: Fix period 2 OpenGL problems.
wrubik, wskewb, wdino: Windows OpenGL stuff now ported.
wcubes, wmlink, wpanex, wpyraminx, wrubik: Windows version
interruptible on auto-solve.
xpyraminx, xoct: Drag and drop between adjacent faces.
xpyraminx: Fixed minor drawing errors for orient lines.
xpyraminx: Fixed bug when changing to period 2.
[Oct 11, 2006] V7.2.4:
xrubik, skewb, xdino: drag and drop between adjacent faces.
xdino: OpenGL for xdino added.
xskewb and xdino: Orienting faces for OpenGL added.
skewb: Control-Alt was not working right for OpenGL.
xrubik, xskewb, xdino: added view option for OpenGL, "v".
Fixed menu to assure the ok part of queries is handled correctly.
(Bug fixed from redo change in xpanex, xmlink, xbarrel, xmball,
xpyraminx, xoct, xrubik, xskewb, and xdino).
[Aug 08, 2006] 7.2.3:
cubes: Should now always work for all arrangements. For example, 3x3x3
was wrong.
[Jul 21, 2006] V7.2.2:
Fixed assorted memory leaks and uninitialized memory access reads.
r is now for redo. z is now the character for randomize.
triangles: no more fully random positions, a starting position is
made by randomly turning puzzle CCW or CW (+-120 degrees).
hexagons (corners): shifting them down by 2's work.
x=1 and y=n top and bottom pieces are always trapped.
There are some positions that are weird... x=1 y=3 and x=2 y=2 in
particular and and these cases have to have special handling.
x=1 y=3 x=2 y=2 special starting positions
X 1 4 3 1
5 4 2 5 2
6 3
hexagons (no corners): shifted by 1, actually always solvable from
EVERY position, except x=n y=1 this case is easily handled.
cubes: Starting position instead of random
Tried shifting by one and all reversed but made solutions too trivial.
Starting pattern is ordered going down columns.
1 4 7 10 1 2 3 4
2 5 8 11 => 5 6 7 8
3 6 9 X 9 10 11 X
Special case of 2x2x1 is handled (or else its solved already).
Nx1x1 to be handled also.
Some patterns require the last numbers to be swapped in order for the
puzzle to be solvable.
Does it always work for all arrangements... not sure...
[Jun 10, 2006] V7.2.1:
xrubik, xskewb, xdino: get fix for Windows.
xrubik, skewb, xdino: undo needed debouncing on own window.
Recognize solved when doing undo where practice option exists.
xpanex: scan instant and undo at double speed.
xpanex: fixed drawing errors.
[Apr 01, 2006] V7.2:
Made usage string compatible with versions of Motif and screen.
More defensive code in case getlogin fails.
panex: in hanoi mode illegal moves are handled better.
xmlink: solve fix for swapping left most middle tiles.
[Oct 05, 2005] V7.1.5:
scoreFile and userName fixes
-version added
-score added
Common option help for X and X-Motif
xhexagons: made corners key "o" to be consistent with alhextris
[May 31, 2005] V7.1.4:
Separated out compatible components (this was done to clean things
up so code can be reused for altris games (tetris, welltris,
hextris, & tertris)).
[Feb 8, 2005] V7.1.3:
xmlink, xbarrel, xcubes, xhexagons, xmball, xpyraminx, xoct, xrubik,
xskewb, xdino, xthreed... mouse wheel for Windows now works.
xmlink, xbarrel, xpanex
Rotating tiles and panex now mouse motion sensitive.
Small graphical fixes.
xthreed a 3d viewer made slightly less primitive.
Mouse can now find a face of polyhedron.
[Dec 12, 2004] V7.1.2:
Thanks to Debian maintainer Florian Ernst for
esound fix and non-motif xrubik fix.
Speed implemented better and sound added.
Fixed bug where changing complexity does not clear cheat flag.
Did not easily start over if solved.
xmball man page cleanups.
Took out "2" for toggle of sound, only "@" from keyboard.
This is to synchronize with Java code.
[Sep 29, 2004] V7.1.1:
xhexagons animation.
xtriangles and xhexagons: Sound, "<" and ">" speed control.
xmlink and xbarrel: Better speed control with "<" and ">".
xcubes, xmlink, xbarrel:
Installation of sound and mandrill files.
[Aug 23, 2004] V7.1:
Thanks to Debian maintainer Florian Ernst for
fixing a compilation problem with X and without Motif.
Added font option.
xcubes, xmlink, xbarrel:
Better double buffering.
Picture option added, many ideas including the mandrill were
borrowed from X puzzle by Don Bennett, HP Labs.
Sound added.
Sort of real time using gettimeofday.
[Aug 10, 2004] V7.0.2:
Menus and help for xthreed.
xoct: Thanks to Debian maintainer Florian Ernst
for fixing a compilation problem with X and without Motif.
[Dec 15, 2003] V7.0.1:
Undo fix and CW/CCW swap for xskewb.
Mono fix for barrel.
Colors on dino corrected.
The Hide functionality of the Escape key now iconifies or drops in
task bar.
Accelerator Keys (F keys and regular keys) in Windows now work.
Added help in Windows.
Integrated Windows source into xpyraminx, xoct, xrubik, xskewb, xdino.
wmlink & wbarrel: Animate rotate ported to Windows.
wcubes: Auto-solve now works.
wmball: Now avoids using FloodFill in Windows.
[Nov 15, 2003] V7.0:
xbarrel: New puzzle.
xthreed: color pixmap added.
xhexagons, xmlink: Fixed message initialization, it got truncated due
to switch initialization.
xmlink: added a practice mode.
Started integration of winpuz6.5 (Windows 3.1/95) into X source tree.
Some older versions used Windows (6.x), Xt/Motif (5.x), Xt (4.x),
Motif (3.x), XView (2.x), and SunView (1.x), see individual README
files of each package for a more complete listing.